October 6, 2015

Create a Table of Contents — OpenOffice 3.2.1

Step 1:
Open your document in OpenOffice 3.2.

Open your document using OpenOffice 3.2

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Step 2:
Highlight the first heading that you would like to include in your table of contents.

Highlight the first heading you would like to include

Step 3:
Click Insert in the toolbar at the top of the screen and scroll to find Indexes and Tables.

Click Insert in the toolbar

Step 4:
Select Entry.

Select Entry

Step 5:
In the screenshot below, note that the window has popped up. Check that the text which you would like to set as your heading is in the box labeled Entry and that the level is marked 1.

Check the text wich you would like to set as your heading

Step 6:
Click Insert to set this text as a heading.

Insert the text as a heading

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Step 7:
Notice that in the screenshot below, the heading has a gray shadow. With the dialog box open, select your next heading.

Select your next heading

Step 8:
You will see that the text in the Entry box has been replaced with the text for the second heading. Select insert to create this heading. Follow steps 2–8 to identify the remaining headings.

Select Insert to create this heading

Step 9:
Once you have identified all of the headings, close the dialog box.

Close the dialog box

Step 10:
Under the Insert menu, select Indexes and Tables and then Indexes and Tables.

Insert Menu, select Indexes and Tables

Step 11:
In the screenshot below, a window has popped up. Select Table of Contents in the Type menu and type the name of your table of contents.

Select Table of Contents

In the screenshot below, you will see a table of contents added at the beginning of the document. To separate the table of contents, simply click below the table of contents and select Page Break from the Insert menu.

The Table of Contents Has Been Added

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