October 8, 2015

2007 Microsoft Word Remove Editor Comments

Step 1:
To remove editor comments in Microsoft Word 2007, open your document, click on the Review tab, highlighted in red in the example below.

Word 2007 Track Changes Example

Step 2:
In this screenshot the Track Changes icon is illuminated, as circled in red. You will need to disable this feature before you continue. If you do not turn this feature off, all of the revisions that you make to your document will be tracked on the right-hand side of the document.

Turn off Track Changes

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Step 3:
Once the Track Changes feature has been disabled, you can use the Delete, Previous, or Next buttons to toggle from one correction to another.

Accept and Reject Buttons

Step 4:
Click Next, circled in red, to move to the first editor comment.

Click Next to Move to the First Comment

Step 4a:
Notice that the first comment is highlighted in dark red. Clicking Delete will delete the comment. You should consider what is being suggested or asked in the comment before deleting it.

Clicking "Delete" Will Remove the Editor Comment

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Step 5:
Click Delete to remove the editor comment from your document.

Click "Delete" to Remove the Comment

Step 5a:
The following screenshot shows that the comment, which is circled in blue, has been removed from your document.

The is Removed From the Document

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